American Garage: ABOUT US
First of all, we are passionate about American cars, seeing a beautiful car or hearing the roar of a powerful 8v thrills us like the first time, but above all it satisfies us to see a customer proud of his car.
But we are not just simple enthusiasts, we are also serious professionals who have distinguished themselves in recent years, for having completed epic feats such as the crossing of America Coast To Coast aboard a Star Car: K.I.T.T. from the show Supercar, built in our workshop and which saw us as guests of honor at the Las Vegas Star Car 2014, where our car officially represented the show. Last but not least, the trip from Pisa to Paris which saw us as Guest Star at the European Star Car Show, and our presence at the most important Italian events such as the Lucca Comix and the Fast Car Show. This is to testify that our job is to build real cars, as well as objects of desire, and that our work is considered to be at the top in Europe and overseas.
Building a K.I.T.T. for a French customer
Supercar Coast to Coast
From Pisa to Paris
Our 8,500 square meter headquarters has been repeatedly defined as a "toy showroom for adult children" and we are particularly proud of this, the furniture itself is the result of memories, of our lifestyle and not a trivial reminder of the US lifestyle, it is not the usual cold car show. the display of our vehicles serves to help customers view and compare the best of world production, the sales department is available to recommend the right choice for every need and to suggest the most appropriate type of customization so that each customer is feel "unique". the spare parts and accessories assistance department is ready to meet all your needs to better assist the vehicles or just to provide a quote, so do not hesitate to contact them. our organization in these years of activity has served numerous customers, among them many famous people, we are sure to have given the best of us.